Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 2016

Got out my box of oil paints today. So many artist's grade ones in beautiful colors including real cobalt purples and blues, real cerulean (also a cobalt), real cadmium reds, all the earth colors, lead (yes lead paint) whites, real ivory blacks. Winsor & Newton, Grumbacher, and others. Lots of them are really old but still vibrant and usable. I need to do some oil paintings. I have a couple of canvases to paint over as well. Artists do this a lot. Some will need a slight sanding to remove the raised parts of paint.

Got lots of inspiration going to the beach with the family yesterday in our three car caravan. Lots of traffic but the ocean and cliffs were inspiring. Also, the old schoolhouse (now museum) where Hitchcock filmed "The Birds."